Sunday in Columbus I wake up feeling awful. I think both Badtz and I experience shaking. Alcohol is evil. As often as I say this the lesson just hasn’t sunk in yet.
Badtz had to rush off to work leaving me alone in her dark empty room. My dizzy head is put to work trying to find a ride. I considered walking back to the convention but the bitter cold outside and my feeling awful would have made for one hell of a hellish morning.
Mel-dog responded to my texts thank goodness. She came and got me from Badtz place. She’d left Skullies early the previous night to go to a party. She’d missed out on my disgraceful street vomit.
We went to a restaurant called the Blue Danube for breakfast. This restaurant has been crowded every time I see it and for good reason. It’s fantastic. The ceiling features hand painted squares and all seemingly from different people. Maybe regular customers or workers I don’t really know. For seating there are more booths than tables, who doesn’t like that? The music is good and there is a fully stocked bar to your immediate right upon entering. That bar looms across the room no matter where you sit but I was feeling so shitty I couldn’t even look in that direction.
I ate a piece of tortilla layered with hash-browns and mushrooms. Then cheese smothered onions, peppers, and finally two eggs on top. I covered it in hot sauce and ate as much as I could. It was absolutely fantastic, and although above my usual price range, well worth it.
Mel-dog has what I like to think of as drinking skills. She can go and get her buzz on but I don’t think I’ve ever seen her get too drunk. I guess she’s admitted that’s happened before but I feel like I go too far most of the time. Maybe not. Maybe I’m harsh on myself.
Anyway Mel-dog plays Radiohead in her car. She has a radiohead tatoo. Needless to say she’s a fan. This past summer we’d gone to see Radiohead together in Detroit. It was fun and I’ll give the girl some credit for good taste in music.
Glasses and recently dyed blonde hair Mel-dog is a causal pretty. She’s the most legit “one of the guy’s” female that I personally know. She can drink beer and watch sports. She can walk in heels and wear a dress. She’s been known to paint angel statues crazy colors.
I consider all of my friends to be cool fucking people, and I probably genuinely like everyone I know more than they realize.
Back at the con I wander around like a cat until I find a good place to sit. Once found I sit there until it is time to go.
Ray-Hay is visibly weary and exhausted. Her sister hand feeds her a lunchable as she drives us home. Yoai texted me twenty minuets after we left to say we gotta meet up one more time before we go. Sadly I inform her that I was, in fact, already upon that road.
Feeling awful the ride home seems long and cold. I finally stop shivering and we pass a van of Amish people where the two men sat up front and the two women sat in the back. I ponder on that until we get to my home.
The evening consists of TV, sleep, snacks and Boone.