This article originally appeared in Dayton City Paper
Rainbow, sparkles, and all things fabulous this is what you might typically think of when you hear “Pride Weekend” and “Gay Pride Parade”. How about love, support, equality and acceptance? This Pride weekend is about more than showing off, and it’s more than just a celebration limited to the gay people of Dayton. In fact the more heterosexuals who support these events the more their purpose is achieved. This is about embracing the people who have been ignored, looked over and sometimes hated in our society that caters to opposite sex couples 365 days out of the year. They’re not asking you to convert or change your fashion choices (Even if you really should). They gay people of Dayton are simply throwing a weekend to celebrate their culture which often gets hidden and overlooked in the far corners of our city. These individuals are brave enough to throw a massive public party and forgiving enough to invite everyone despite all the years of being excluded themselves.