Cam Market in Columbus

Boone came to visit me Friday night and into Saturday day day day.

Saturday we went around exploring and discovering all the different Asian grocery stores in the area and oh yes there are so many.

Of all those we visited the one I am currently choosing to do a review of is Cam Market.

Upon discovering Cam Market, located on Bethel road, the first thing you will think is “Gee-wize this place is huge!” It is by far the largest Asian grocery store that I have ever seen and trust me I have seen so many. Now sure it’s smaller than like a wall-mart or even most Kroger, however for an Asian market place this place is jumbo by comparison.

Upon entering there are shopping carts, walk through the second set of motion detect doors and you’ll find a little section of sale items. Right there up front how lovely! I only remember cakes and candies but I know there was other stuff on sale.

To your immediate left are various glass fortune cats and other little trinkets for sale.


There is a large produce area with fresh imported vegetables as well as things grown in this country probably same city. I bought some plumbs for example.

There are various rices, soup fixings, seasonings, dried stuffs, salted veg tables and basically a fantastic wide selection of all sorts of stuff.

Boone is a tea natzi so he got a particular boner for the tea section. There are large jars of various teas from which you can purchase by the pound. There are little tea trays which Boone was initially excited over. They have multiple types of tea pots, mugs and all sort of tea accessories. The only complaint that can be raised is one that has been said about every place like this in the state. Nobody has a Gywan. It’s supposed to be a tea cup used in China very regularly. Boone looks for them everywhere but they are oddly no where to be found.

Any way they have a tea parlor which is cool. I believe it is under construction and I can’t wait for it’s completion because I’m sure it will be most awesome.

We each bought a few things and took our time going down each isle. Some things are more organized by country or origin while other products are organized by what they are. Honestly I think it works fine. The only places where separation by country is necessary is in the flavor mixes which seemed to be how they do it.

Speedy checkout and a nice bakery section this grocery store is clean well stocked and totally cool.

I recommend this store for anyone who is seeking out general Asian groceries. There  are smaller stores which tend to be dedicated more to a single country, those places may be better for small specifics and slightly cheaper for some items. For fresh goods and wide variety I shall continue to go to Cam.