12/5/2012 A weekend in Columbus

“Gonzo journalism!” I exclaim. Badtz nods her head vigorously in agreement. Her thick dark bangs bop up and down over her forehead. “We’ll start a new wave of the genera!” We sit in a room about eight feet long and six feet wide. This might seriously be a storage closet. “I’m going to start introducing you as my lawyer.”

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Second to Fifth (From early December)

Second to Fifth I park in the shadow of the witches tower. The gray chunk of abandoned manufacturing facility stands…

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Toledo Mordor

She climbs inside and turns on the car. In silence I hear only the tires backing up over the gravel driveway. She shifts gears and we’re out on the street. She sighs as though she’d been holding her breath for six minuets straight. Then she turns to me and smiles. The weight of the ring had finally been lifted.

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