My turn came up too soon. I zipped my Buzz Lightyear hoodie up all the way and pulled the hood down over my head. I sang quiet and even started nervously laughing at one point. I was reminded of going to karaoke with my own group of friends. Swanky would always cheer for me and they would all scream support when I started to lose it for sure. Instead I was up there all alone and had to pick it up and salvage the song all by myself. When it was done I only noticed the guy from the table behind us clapping.
I saw him walk into McDonald’s slowly taking off his motorcycle helmet in slow motion to soft music playing and a light breeze wafting through his hair.
I found myself in Blind Bobs drinking a cheap can of PBR. I found myself telling a long haired young man in a baseball cap that I had seen him there many times, but never realized he worked there. That I thought he just hung out at Blind Bob’s a lot. He has the kind of mustache you only see in an old western movie and wears a flannel from the 90’s. He laughs and says that it seems that way. He’s the bartender and I tip him more than my drink actually cost.
It was raining as though the sky were weeping and that would make perfect sense for how dreary and gray it was outside. The red bricks beneath my feet look slick however I find no trouble maneuvering across the parking lot. Second street market greets me by painted wall mural. Words letters, fruit, vegetables and flowers.
Rambling and strange conversation is standard amongst us. There were six of total on this Waffle Wednesday. The boys; Motorcycle and Collins sat at the bar a mere three feet from the booth where the girls sat. I refereed to this as girls island.
October 7th 2012, I sit on the floor of my bedroom with my laptop glowing before me. My butt hurts…
Second to Fifth I park in the shadow of the witches tower. The gray chunk of abandoned manufacturing facility stands…
She climbs inside and turns on the car. In silence I hear only the tires backing up over the gravel driveway. She shifts gears and we’re out on the street. She sighs as though she’d been holding her breath for six minuets straight. Then she turns to me and smiles. The weight of the ring had finally been lifted.
I’ll be honest here I really don’t know anything about building a website. I should never be trusted to be left with only my own devices… things get destroyed.