Super Sober Spring Break Day’s 2 and 3 (All over the place)

So I guess she got fed up and she told him they shouldn’t talk until he moves back. I did my best to play the supportive friend but I’ll admit I’m an awkward animal so don’t expect much comfort from me.

She had all her blankets and long pillow pulled up besides her in that little corner.

“Do you like this cocoon I made,” She asked motioning to what had become of her bed.

“Yeah,” I said. “I feel like this is your nest and your a bird and I’m this lizard from the neighborhood who’s come over to visit. And I guess this must be Florida because there are no lizards in Ohio.” I lift my Styrofoam coffee cup in the air. (This is a gas station coffee cup from the night before that J-Rabbit had left in my car. I decided to keep it and drink it so I didn’t have to wait for the coffee maker in the morning.)

“And this is like an acorn with some morning dew I collected.” And this is all word for word because this conversation had been recorded. I’m going to eventually make a documentary. It’s going to be about me and Swanky growing up, lower class existence and anything that will be fun to look back on. I’ve been recording us off and on for the last two years. My camera is a piece of shit but I feel like the footage so far is really genuine and maybe someday years from now I’ll find a kick-ass film editor to help me complete the project.

“And we’re sitting here talking about this other bird who used to share your nest but now he’s in this tree all the way over there. And your like what the hell, and he’s like sorry and you’re like bullshit.”

She starts to laugh which is good.

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Super Sober Spring Break Day One (Out with Friends)

“You like this place because you love chaos,” Swanky says to me. I readily agree with her on that.

Stacks and stacks of books tangled throughout a maze of crooked shelves, pathways on an uneven floor with toy and toys and collectable gathering dust over head. Bonnets books is amazing forever to me. I asked him if he had a copy of House of Leaves and he didn’t but we did have a little discussion about it. He might possibly be a hoarder but Bonnets owner is a super cool nice guy.

As we are heading for the door J-Rabbit stops to swoon over a life size leg lamp from A Christmas Story. We proceed to make jokes with the owner about stroking your hand up the leg slowly as you reach for the switch to turn it on. (In the movie the switch is at the base of the lamp.)

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Another crazy weekend

I saw him walk into McDonald’s slowly taking off his motorcycle helmet in slow motion to soft music playing and a light breeze wafting through his hair.

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The piece that didn’t make it into my school paper

Speaking of temperature it is awfully cold out. You might be thinking it’s far better to just use a warm locker inside, but nay I say. That cold car just doubled as a giant refrigerator to hold your lunch! On the hot days I would probably advise against storing food in your car. Unless it’s coffee with no cream. In that case you should park where you can get fresh sun and leave that coffee in the window. If it’s no hot by the time you get back to it then at least it’s still kinda warm!

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My Valentine’s Day

“I just had to walk from here to 2nd street market because I locked my keys in my car!” I tell them. Smiling and nodding, I have everyone’s attention. “I deserve this!” I declare raising the mocha up over my head. The manager agrees with me “Yes you do!”

I start up the stairs with a sweet sip of triumphant delicious late. I turn around half way.

“And I had a coupon!” I shout like an Olympic gold-medalist. My audience claps and cheers as the library seems to stand still in awe of my achievements.

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